Following recent news about a change in Germany, it hit the headlines that Dachshunds are being banned under a new law that prohibits skeletal anomaly breeds.
Whilst researching this, we came across a lot of articles which are quite simply misrepresenting the facts, with some headlines stating "Dachshunds To Be Banned In Germany".
We wanted to clear this up for anyone wondering what's really going on. So, are dachshunds being banned in Germany?! What does the future hold for Dackels, as they are known there.
In Germany, Dachshunds are the second most popular breed after the German Shephard. In February, a newly drafted Animal Protection Law could ban breeds with particular features, which is being considered by the authorities as part of the Animal Protection Act, which seeks to strengthen existing laws on so-called 'torture breeding'.
Dachshunds are known to have short legs and long backs, and research shows that these features could be linked to spinal problems and injuries. We are working with charity partners and experts in the field to bring you further information on IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease). However, for now it is recommended that you support your dog in avoiding to much impact, to help avoid injury. If you allow your daxie onto the bed or sofa, we recommend training your dog to use a non-slip dachshund ramp, which has been tried and tested by Sausage Dog Box. View our Dachshund Sofa Ramp and Dachshund Bed Ramp for more information on their features.

The animal protection law contains requirements that could mean the end of many healthy dog breeds in Germany, however understandably, it would be very difficult to determine what constitutes as a genetic defect and what doesn't. A spokesperson of the Agricultural Ministry has said 'We are not seeking to ban the dachshund'.
Some of the proposed changes make sense and certainly have the backing from Sausage Dog Box, such as regulating online trade in dogs or taking action against the illegal puppy trade.
Whilst the bill is still in draft stage, the news has sent dachshund owners and breeders into a frenzy. The German Kennel Club, VDH, has launched a petition to 'Save Our Favourite Dogs'. In a short period of time, it has gained over 15,000 signatures.
We will provide an update once more information is available.
The Sausage Dog Box Team